Light Art Database
valotaiteen seura

Kirsti Taiviola

Master of Arts, University of Art and Design Helsinki, b. 1976, lives in Helsinki, Finland

Kirsti Taiviola is a visual artist while specializing in glass and light. The red thread in Taiviola’s works has been an interest in the possibilities of light and glass as tools of transmitting observations and making something visible. She has worked with questions of materiality, time and authorship and her works often pay respect to the craftsmanship of glassmaking. For her glass is, above all, a medium that allows her to work with optics and the experience of light and color. She frequently uses handmade free-form glass lenses to create projections of light.  Taiviola's recent public artworks are Auringon laulu (The Canticle of the Sun), an altar piece in Söderkulla Church in Sipoo and Kenno (Honeycomb), a light installation in the tunnel leading to the University of Helsinki metro station in Helsinki. Both completed in 2021. Paju (Willow), a “baptism tree” -sculpture combining light, glass and bronze, was completed in Tapiola Church in Espoo in 2022. Taiviola’s works are included in the collections of the Finnish National Gallery and The Finnish Glass Museum.

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