Light Art Database
valotaiteen seura

Ekku Peltomäki

Lighting artist Ekku Peltomäki works as a lighting designer with the Komediateatteri Arena theatre in Helsinki, Finland. Peltomäki is a pioneer of Finnish theatre, landscape and exhibition lighting design and he has won the Finnish lighting work of the year with his lighting design for the Sapokka water park in 1993. In addition, he was named lighting designer of the year in 1988. Peltomäki's lighting design for the Cats musical in 1986 is still the largest stage production according to several criteria, and he has designed and constructed lighting for a number of stage productions ranging from classical ballet and opera to heavy rock. Ekku Peltomäki's most significant lighting exhibitions include Retretti 1988 exhibition, "Siniristit" ("Blue crosses on white"), Retretti 1989exhibition, "Elämän virta" ("Stream of life"), "Finlandia", Tytyri 1995 exhibition, "Valkoinen fantasia" ("White fantasy"), Tytyri 1996 exhibition, "Valon juhlaa" ("Celebration of light"), Tytyri 2002 exhibition, Tytyri 2003 exhibition – "Ekku Peltomäki: Valoteoksia" ("Works of light") and Tytyri- Myrsky Oratorio ( Storm Oratorio ).

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