Mollu Heino: Gestures
A work about the nuances of gestures.
Heino’s glowing work is about the gestures we use to communicate, the nuances of hand signals. The images are made with UV tape on clear acrylic, which is transparent. The tape glows under a UV light.
Visual Artist, Doctor of Arts, b. 1967, Lives in Luvia, Finland
Artwork finished in:
Light sources, materials and equipment used: UV lights.
Dimensions of the work, approximately: 122 x 70 x 1 cm.
Electricity consumption: Standard mains current (10A/16A).
Does the artwork use sound? No sound.
Support and other structures: The work includes all the necessary structures. The composition can be build to suit the location.
Structures, hardware or other equipment needed from the client: The work needs a background to attach it to.
Minimum height of the space: 120 cm
Minimum square meters of the space: 10 m2
Requirements for the space: darkness, temperature, colouring (light / dark / specific colour / other) etc.: Darkness, uv-light.
Building time and people required (estimate): 1 h and 1-2 people.
Artist's presence: Guidance can be provided for building.
Seen before at: LumenRauma