Light Art Database
valotaiteen seura

Alexander Salvesen: Life - Death

Installation contemplating life and death

Mixed media, overhead projector, neon tube, acrylic paint, wood, glass, water, IV-bag and IV-tubing

The artwork was created for the Lux & Umbra exhibition at WAM Museum in Turku in the winter of 2023-2024.
The artwork combines elements from aesthetics and materials that I've used in my previous works. Neon and overhead projectors both have a distinguished and unique light fingerprint. The work is kinetic with an element of dripping water. The projection surfaces are two large three dimensional paintings on birch plywood. 
All colour in the work (except the red neon) is derived from the prismatic effects of the recycled glass objects on the overhead projectors. 

Visual Artist, Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland


Light sources, other materials and equipment used:
overhead projector, neon

Dimensions of the work, approximately (width-height-depth):
5m x 2m x 2,5m

Approximate dimensions of the work for mailing / sending.:
2 times 160x160x11cm; 1x 20x20x200cm, 120x80x50cm

Power consumption:
Standard mains current (10A/16A)

Sound in artwork:
no sound

Support and other structures:
The work needs support structures, hanging points, or similar

Structures, hardware and other equipment needed from the client.:
The work needs a wall.

Minimum height of the space:

Minimum square meters of the space:

Requirements for the space: darkness, temperature, colouring (light / dark / specific colour / other) etc:
Warm. Dry. The darker the better but many spaces will do.

Building time and people required (estimate):
1 day. 2 persons

Artist's presence:
Artist or their representative must be present during building

Contact the artist about this artwork