Light Art Database
valotaiteen seura

Kari Alonen: Glow of the Stone

Nature and light create feelings, 2018

Inside a stone can be also light. The artwork Glow of the Stone (2018) shapes light also outside, to the enviroment.

Sculptor, Light artist


Artwork finished in: 2018

Material of the artwork Stone, glass, light

Dimensions of the artwork: 250 x 150 x 40 cm

Requirements for the space: Half-dark

Electricity consumption: Standard mains current (10A/16A)

Support and other structures: The work includes all the necessary structures

Sound: No sound

Minimum height of the space: Normal standing height

Minimum square meters of the space: 0,5 m2 plus room for audience

Building time and people required (estimate): 1 person, 1 hour

Artist's presence: Guidance can be provided for building

On-site building: Assembled on-site



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