Light Art Database
valotaiteen seura

Juan Kasari: Hotel Room 616

A reproduction of a scene in a hotel room.

The work is based on a scene, in which morning light reflected from a window into a hotel room in Madrid. The scene is reproduced in a gallery space creating a special experience of light.  

MFA, b.1974, Lives in Helsinki, Finland


Artwork finished in: 2015

Light sources, materials and equipment used: Video projectors, profile lights.

Dimensions of the work, approximately: Variable.

Electricity consumption: Standard mains current (10A/16A).

Does the artwork use sound? No sound.

Support and other structures: The work includes all the necessary structures.

Structures, hardware or other equipment needed from the client: Projectors, wood.

Minimum height of the space: 250 cm

Minimum square meters of the space: 20 m2

Requirements for the space: darkness, temperature, colouring (light / dark / specific colour / other) etc.: No direct sun light.

Building time and people required (estimate): One day.

Artist's presence: Artist or their representative must be present during building.

Seen before at: Valokuvakeskus Peri 2015

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