Jere Suontausta: Jatkuvaluonteinen normaalitoiminta (22.09.2022 klo 19.00-19.02)
A small sculpture presenting the sensation of breathing as light.
Jatkuvaluonteinen normaalitoiminta (literal translation: Normal Activity of a Continuous Nature) is a concept coined amidst the emergency conditions during the COVID-19 outbreak: this terminology was used especially by the non-transparent law enforcement for classifying different societal activities as either “normal and continuous” or somehow special and dangerous.
Majority of the regular activities of culture workers were deemed as the latter, meaning dangerous, because those didn’t fit to the category of Normal Activity of a Continuous Nature. This absurd curveball was intriguing to the artist’s mind (and body!) – what would actually be the very essential human activity that is both “normal” and “continuous”? Breathing.
The artwork is a sculpture, an abstract self-portrait that utilizes an audio recording of the artist’s breathing to glow a small incandescent lightbulb in perfect synchronization – audio is electricity.
Master of Arts (Theatre and Drama), b. 1994, Lives in Helsinki
Artwork finished in:
Light sources, materials, and equipment: Incandescent light bulb, found objects, speaker, audio recording of breathing, electricity.
Dimensions of the work, approximately (width-height-depth): 11cm x 18cm x 8cm
Electricity consumption: Standard mains current (10A/16A).
Does the artwork use sound? Ambient sound.
Support and other structures: The work needs support structures, hanging points, or similar.
Structures, hardware, or other equipment needed from the client: A pedestal, shelf or other surface for displaying the artwork. A narrowly focused exhibition light is also good for the display, to emphasize the materiality of the sculpture.
Minimum height of the space: ---
Minimum square meters of the space: ---
Requirements for the space: darkness, temperature, colouring (light / dark / specific colour / other) etc.: ---
Building time and people required (estimate): 1-2 hours of work, no additional people required (artist or 1 person can build).
Artist's presence: Guidance can be provided for building.
Seen before at: Don't Hold Your Breath:, Sipoo, 2022 & Hillitön valo - Boisterous Light, Hyvinkää, 2023