Alexander Salvesen: It Is Always Now
Overhead projector, glass, colorfilter, polycarbonate, motor
Somewhere between then and tomorrow. Through colour we learn that the universe is expanding. Slow down your gaze to ultra high definition slow motion. Now is expanding continuing outside your focus leaving you behind. The more we do this the more time we have. It’s relative. Don’t waste.
It Is Always Now shows two images intertwining and reflecting off a rotating surface. The work is inspired by the present moment, now, where the past and future meet. It is also linked to astronomy and the circle as a shape. The base colors used in the work are inspired by a phenomenon called red-/blueshift, where by looking at the radiation and spectrum of stars we can determine whether they are moving towards or away from us. Besides time and the present moment, colour, movement, memory and peace of mind are themes present in the work.
Visual Artist,
Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland
Light sources, other materials and equipment used:
Overhead projectors
Dimensions of the work, approximately (width-height-depth):
350 cm x 120cm x 200 cm
Approximate dimensions of the work for mailing / sending.:
Approx 120 x 80 x 100 cm
Power consumption:
Standard mains current (10A/16A)
Sound in artwork:
no sound
Support and other structures:
The work needs support structures, hanging points, or similar
Structures, hardware and other equipment needed from the client.:
The work needs black piedestals for the ohp (2x 50x50x50cm), two adjacent walls where the image will be projected and a hanging point in the centre of the room
Minimum height of the space:
Minimum square meters of the space:
Requirements for the space: darkness, temperature, colouring (light / dark / specific colour / other) etc:
Warm. Dry. Rather dark.
Building time and people required (estimate):
1 day 1 person
Artist's presence:
Artist or their representative must be present during building