Petri Lehtinen: Ishmail Sandstroem Mandala XXVII Duet (Petri Lehtinen & Metti Nordin)
Ishmail Sandstroem Mandala is made of Led light and used medical appliances glued to a Plexiglas. Mandala transforms former trash into present day treasure, a work of art.
Ishmail Sandstroem Mandala is an object, a piece of light art. It is also a particular way of making mandalas - a mandala brand, a school, a sect, if you will. It's a physical, spiritual and social process that transforms former trash into present day treasure.
Mandala is a result of an improvisatory process, a creative act between two artists with one intention: to reveal the secret order that is present within all disorder. A transparent sheet of recycled plexiglass as a game board Petri Lehtinen, artist / curator, invites a fellow artist to play with. Players use plastic trash - recycled medical utilities - as game pieces, adding, moving, removing them until there are no more moves to be made. Everybody has won. A new mandala is born.