Light Art Database
valotaiteen seura

Elisa Hillgen: Palapeli

Palapeli is a small work for indoor spaces and art galleries.

Palapeli is a small work for indoor spaces. Depending on the location, the viewer has the opportunity to move the light source and study how the colors and shadows change on the surface of the plane. The arrangement and directions of the glasses form beautiful color combinations.

Artisan / Lighting designer, b. 1982, lives in Mikkeli


Artwork finished in: 2021

Which kind of light sources and what other materials and equipment are used? Dichroic-laseja ja led-valaisin 1 kpl.

Please provide the dimensions of the work. Approximate size will do. Please mention if the work can be adjusted. (width-height-depth): Soveltuva Min 50 x 50 cm alustalle tai tasolle.

Electricity consumption: Standard mains current (10A/16A).

Does the artwork use sound? No sound.

Support and other structures: The work needs support structures, hanging points, or similar.

Please state which structures, hardware or other equipment is needed from the client: Taso tai pöytä ei ole mukana, mutta mahdollista toimittaa.

Minimum height of the space: Normaali huonekorkeus.

Minimum square meters of the space: --

Requirements for the space: darkness, temperature, colouring (light / dark / specific colour / other) etc.: Melko pimeä tai pimeä tila.

Building time and people required (estimate): 2h, 1 henkilö.

Artist's presence: Artist or their representative must be present during building.

Seen before at: GalleriArin näyttely Varjotarinoita 2021

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