Light Art Database
valotaiteen seura

Elisa Hillgen: Reflection

Reflection is a work intended for indoor spaces, where various objects on a rotating platform create fascinating reflections and movement on the walls, 2019

Reflection is a work intended for indoor spaces, where various objects on a rotating platform create fascinating reflections and movement on the walls. The piece is calm and hypnotic, depending on the space it is possible to combine a soundscape with it. The piece consists of a small TV cabinet or stand, objects and light. Cabinet vs. stand depends on the space, whether you want the objects to be visible or hidden. Both have been used.

Artisan / Lighting designer, b. 1982, lives in Mikkeli


Artwork finished in: 2019

Which kind of light sources and what other materials and equipment are used? The work consists of a small TV cabinet or stand, objects and light.

Please provide the dimensions of the work. Approximate size will do. Please mention if the work can be adjusted. (width-height-depth): For indoor use, space dimensions preferably at least 2 x 2 m.

Requirements for the space: darkness, temperature, colouring (light / dark / specific colour / other) etc.: Intact wall surfaces around desirable.

Electricity consumption: Standard mains current (10A/16A)

Does the artwork use sound? Depending on the space it's possible to add soundscape.

Minimum height of the space: 2m

Minimum square meters of the space: 4

Seen before at: Pori Light Station 2019, Jyväskylä Art Museum 2020

Contact the artist about this artwork