Light Art Database
valotaiteen seura

Ainu Palmu: Pink Caravan

Pink creatures make city bathing it in pink, 2013

The idea of a pink world, where anyone can go anywhere, enter even the greyest, most rugged terrain, just as they are, comes alive in the work Pink Caravan. Cration is aglow, it is a garden of light with the power to colour the entire city in pink. Sound by Aake Otsala. 

Master of Science – UCL, Bachelor of Arts – Tampere Polytechnic University Born 1974, Helsinki, Finland


Artwork finished in: 2013

Which kind of light sources and what other materials and equipment are used? Light system: outdoor LED wall washers, outdoor LED wall linear lights and control system. Two performers wearing pink light costumes (custom made and would be provided by the artist), sound system.

Please provide the dimensions of the work. Approximate size will do. Please mention if the work can be adjusted. (width-height-depth): It is a site specific work and dimensions are locked to the dimensions of the selected building.

Electricity consumption: Power current (specification).

Does the artwork use sound? Loud sound.

Support and other structures: The work includes all the necessary structures.

Minimum height of the space: 3,5m

Minimum square meters of the space: It is a site specific work and dimensions are locked to the dimensions of the selected building.

Requirements for the space: darkness, temperature, colouring (light / dark / specific colour / other) etc.: Depending on the site, there can be a need for swiching off some of the existing street (or similar) lighting.

Building time and people required (estimate): It is a site specific work and build up times are locked to the dimensions of the selected building.

Artist's presence: Guidance can be provided for building.

Seen before at: Lux Helsinki 2013, ANTI Festival 2013, Lux Helsinki 2022

Contact the artist about this artwork